
Christianity and the Emperor

Roman Christianity

Christianity became the dominant religion in Ancient Rome during the reign of Constantine the Great. It was not until the later part of Ancient Rome when Christianity began sweeping through the Empire that Emperors were given divine statuses. Prior to Christianity, during pagan times, Emperors were given divine status only after death. Divine status during the life of an Emperor was looked upon as a disgrace and was generally not allowed. Emperors would be killed if they claimed divine status as this was not the rite of the Emperor.

Christian Emperors were considered substitutes of Christ on earth to the Ancient Roman citizens. They were thought to be part of God’s plan to Christianize and lead others towards a monotheistic religion. Christianity would bring major changes to the Ancient Roman Empire and later become one of the largest religions in the world.

Pontifex Maximus

Roman Laws

The divine status that Ancient Roman Emperors were given was pontifex maximus. Pontifex maximus was the highest priest in Ancient Rome. Before Christianity took hold in the Ancient Roman Empire, the role of the pontifex maxiums was to ensure the peace of the gods. As Emperors took on this title and duties, they were considered not only ruler but a high priest.

Many Emperors were considered pontifex maximus. During the Roman Empire, politics and religion were intermingled. This inevitably led to some corruption within the religious and government systems. Pontifex maximus throughout the years took on different meanings and responsibilities. However, as Emperors took the title pontifex maximus, they did not always take on the responsibilities. Because of this reason, pontifiex maximus soon became just another title and was diluted. Emperors no longer took on the duties of the pontifex maximus as other religious leaders took on these responsibilities, further adding to the weakend title of the emperor. Later, pontifex would become associated with the Christian religion.